What is SandFest?
Sandfest is a two-part event consisting of the Annual Coastal Cleanup followed by a sand building contest known as Sandfest. Sandfest celebrates artistic talent and promotes environmental stewardship through a sand sculpting competition.
When and where will SandFest take place?
The event will take place at Ypao Beach on Saturday, September 21, 2024.
This will be our island’s first SandFest Event.
Who can participate in SandFest?
The event is open to both locals and visitors. Anyone interested in showcasing their sand sculpting skills is welcome to register & participate.
Can I attend the event as a spectator?
Absolutely! Spectators are welcome to come and enjoy the festivities. Whether you’re interested in watching the sand sculpting competition, learning more about environmental conservation, or simply soaking up the sun on the beach, there’s something for everyone to enjoy at Sandfest.
What is the purpose of the 1st Annual Guam SandFest?
The primary goals of the 1st Annual Guam Sandfest are to promote public awareness of environmental issues, encourage community involvement in beach cleanup efforts, and instill island pride in taking care of our surroundings.
What is this year’s sculpting theme?
This year’s sculpting theme will focus on marine life. Participants are encouraged to create sand sculptures that celebrate our oceans and highlight the importance of protecting marine ecosystems.

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